I live on the Pacific Northwest coast, so of course I’m going to make salmon for my fish border. Still, even though I came up with an idea right away, it took me forever to stitch them, and I just barely finished in time. Also, I ran into the same problem I had with the log cabin blocks — the scraps I was working with were too small. My solution this time was to make Susan McCord style fish, and I’m actually pretty happy with my patchwork salmon.
I made templates from some images I found online, but the details on the fish were small, and I was struggling with my normal baste and pin method. I ended up using the dryer sheet technique to prep them, except I substituted sheer-weight interfacing because it doesn’t melt when you iron it the way dryer sheets do. Using the interfacing produced a salmon that was a bit thicker and tricker to stitch down than my normal technique, and they also have a slightly puffy look to them in person, but the details (fins, tail and mouth) look better. The top ended up at 58″ square.
Click to enlarge the image if you want a closer look at the fishy border. It’s weird — something I never would have chosen on my own — but I like it a lot. Thanks, Wendy, for the inspiration.
Your fish border was so unexpected and so delightful! Excellent choice.
LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE~~~The fish border is FABULOUS!! Great job Martha!! I love this quilt 🙂
Hugs, MIckie
Hi! I am new to your site and quilting, so this may be a question asked and answered a hundred times. Nevertheless, this is just a top right? You haven’t quilted it yet? What size is it?
It is a lovely, unique pattern. I wonder how difficult it would be to make out of flannel. It would be a lovely choice for a cabin on the river kind of thing.
I am near the Columbia, FYI. We are almost neighbors! 😉
Yes, Karen — It’s just a top (58″ square). I think flannel would look nice, but the thickness of the flannel might be difficult to use in the log cabin border (so many pieces) and the appliquéd salmon. You could make each salmon using just one piece of fabric, which would probably make it easier.
Oh, those are fabulous fish!
And a perfect finish to a gorgeous quilt!
Wow! You really stuck with the fishy theme, they are wonderful! I went a bit cerebral for one of my tops but also did appliqué.
This was a fun QAL, I may have to venture into another that comes along.
Oh I love your fishes ! They are dancing all around the quilt !
Congratulations for this great finish !
I love how you did your fish round, and it feels very PNW to me. Well done!
What a gorgeous border! What a lot of work! The whole quilt is beautiful, I love the light, open feel it has. Great job!
You made the just perfect border for your quilt. Gorgeous quilt all around! I may use it as a quilting motif for mine. May I?
Oh wow! It is truly amazing. Kudos for following the “fishy” theme so closely too. I love seeing all the creativity in this project. Truly remarkable!
Ooo! I love your fishy border! Completely unexpected, but it works! I love the movement of the salmon, and the fact that they’re patchwork just adds to their charm. It was worth the extra effort you put into this border. :- )
Wow -stunning quilt. I love your muted colours.
Oh my goodness. This is just wonderful
Love your McCord fish and them swimming through the seaweed! All of you ladies did such a wonderful job with your medallions, very inspiring!
Love those fish!
Wow, I love your rendition of this project. I have somehow lost so many blogs off my list, and it’s been so long since I have stopped by. I shall post comment and go back and see what you have been up to. Love the fishy border, it’s perfect
It’s beautiful. I see that you used mainly checks and solids in muted tones for the overall quilt. No brights. A wonderful scrappy quilt with loads to look at and admire.
I like your scrappy fish!
Martha, your little plaid fish are the cat’s pajamas for this quilt! I can only guess at the amount of time it took you to sew, cut, and sew them into place on the border. And the green stems–wow. Just another additional perfect bit for this quilt. Whoever would have guessed that “something fishy” could turn into something so wonderful?! Well done!
It’s lovely, and I like it best of all the Gwennie quilts!
What a perfect border. Love the fish and seaweed. Hugs
That is a lot of applique, Martha, but I love your fish!!! I’m so glad you joined in the quiltalong! I’ll get back to our project soon.
Holy smokes! That fish border certainly is ambitions! I love everything about this quilt. Your fabrics, your design, your applique is incredible. Just beautiful!
Your final border is amazing and the over-all quilt is wonderful–love it!!
Une merveille cette dernière bordure, le quilt tout entier… Je ne trouverai pas les mots nécessaires pour le dire en anglais.
Oh! I finally found out how to make comments on your blog with that little box. lol I thought you had cut us off and there have been so many times I’ve wanted to make a comment. 🙂 Time to find a new hiding place, Martha!
This border is adorable! Thanks for sharing your creativity and artistry.
Such pretty salmon – so fun! What attention to detail all throughout your quilt. It’s just beautiful.
Absolutely wonderful !
This quilt has stolen my heart. Both the center basket with it’s delightful large curve and those fish on the border are exquisite. Thanks for sharing this masterpiece and all the details of it’s creation.
Simply wonderful!
Haha! – what a fabulous idea – a fishy border. Never seen anything alike and those fishes are just perfect and made my smile directly. Wonderful quilt border!
I have just completed a number of pineapple blocks and now I have an idea how to use them. Love the fish border. Thank you for sharing. This is a wonderful site!