Here are more quilting designs from my 1936 McCall’s Needlework catalog. I can’t believe they suggest using carbon paper to transfer the pattern to your quilt top. Do not do this! More McCall’s designs are available in an earlier post. Click images to enlarge.
No. 1980. Printed Pattern for Quilting Motifs. Prics, 40 cents. Here are some of the popular old favorites used in quilting that have been handed down from generation to generation. There’s the interesting old Anchor motif, and a design that will fit the squares of the popular Double Wedding Ring patch work quilt. There are also several variations of the old feather design, in a wide and narrow border, and in squares. You can trace them on your quilt by means of carbon paper, or else make a perforated pattern on the sewing machine following directions in the pattern. Women who make patch work quilts will appreciate these interesting old quilting designs.
Thanks! These are pretty motifs. They probably meant for you to use dressmaker’s carbon paper, which came in various pastel colors. I think it was wax-based and would wash out.
Thank you so much for posting these. Just found this treasure trove of inspiration this morning on a wet summers day in Ireland!
Thank you so much for putting it all up to share.