The last top I quilted was a wonky antique log cabin variation. This Courthouse Steps version is much crazier in every way — design, fabric selection, and construction (the only consistent element is the red center square in every block). It’s not completely flat, the foundation stitching is too big, and the edges are not straight (the photo is cropped). Despite all its flaws, and even though it’s unlike any quilts I make, I think it’s wonderful and has a sort of cool Gee’s Bend vibe.
The top was probably constructed no earlier than the 1940s, and this quilter obviously had an amazing scrap bag to work with. The top contains fabrics spanning decades — from 19th century mourning prints and indigos all the way to 1930s pastels and 1940s bright florals. Somehow, for me, it all just works.
Fortunately, the top is clean with no damage, stains, smells or inappropriate fibers — although there are a few pieces of seersucker that I’m not going to bother replacing. I will need to do some close quilting to get it flat and keep everything secure.
So, are you a fan of this craziness, or is this just too much?
Crazy Courthouse Steps Quilt Top
Unknown quilter, 1940s
76″ x 80″
I love it! It will be fun to see how you quilt it.
I love it. Gee’s Bend all the way.
This is awesome! Love the willy-nilly style and all the colors.
Yes, I’m a fan and yes, it’s just too much. I love it but I’m not sure I could live with it. Talk about making do! I don’t think the creator could have crammed many more fabrics into the quilt if she’d wanted to. It’s almost like I want to call it a Rooftop pattern rather than a Courthouse Steps. Fun find!
I might not be the person to ask because I am so wonky, but I adore it!
It’s truly crazy and truly unique!
It’s marvelous, what a treasure!
I’m a fan of this type of quilt to use up scraps. (I’ve used seersucker scraps in a quilt too). That’s what I do. But I don’t understand just cutting up yardage to make something like this like some people do these days.
Love it! I also love your comment, “inappropriate fibers.” I would consider anything other than pure cotton “inappropriate.” Is that your criteria, too? Anything less scares me for durability reasons.
It’s kind of amazing, isn’t it?
What a fabulous find! I could look at it for hours and keep finding new little details! Thank you for sharing.
Whoa, it is fantastic! It really goes to show how much one unifying element (the red square centers) can do to tie things together. I love it! It’s also too much. But it isn’t. I too could look at it for hours, finding all the details.
I think I like it, but it hurts my eyes 🙂
I keep coming back to look at this quilt. I love scrap quilts! This truly is overwhelming when close, but I love the step-back view. It is simply compelling in a modern impressionistic way. It is like looking at a painting by Wassily Kandisnky with texture! Fabulous.