Vintage cotton organdy is the best fabric ever for making doll petticoats, and flocked cotton organdy (my favorite) makes a beautiful doll party dress. Unfortunately, the heart pattern on this remnant was a bit large for doll clothes. I was thinking of making an apron, but, since I just couldn’t see myself wearing a 1950s gathered hostess apron, I made it into a full apron backed with a solid white. It looks way better in person because you can actually see the organdy overlay. The red ties are leftovers from a 1950s organdy apron, the skirt of which I used to make a petticoat for my sister’s Shirley Temple doll.
This apron design is more my style, but the color and fabric are sort of impractical for a messy cook like me.
The apron is sooo pretty, Martha–too pretty for a messy cook like me, too.
It’s a hostess apron! Just put it on for the party! 😉