This peacock is different than all the rest because it’s completely done in two sizes of cross stitch. I spent several hours cleaning this one because cross-stitch patterns never scan very clearly. Since the thought of tracing all those tiny Xs freaks me out, an alternative method would be to print the design on water soluable transfer paper. It would have to be tile printed on 4 sheets, so I have added a lightened PDF version of the pattern here. Open the file with Acrobat Reader and make selections for full size and the poster setting in your print window. The instructions include several suggestions for different color choices. I think these large peacock patterns would make beautiful centers on medallion quilt.
So pretty! Loving these birds 🙂
Have a great day Martha!
I have printed designs on iron-on pattern for embroidery. Just reverse the image before you print it.
Yes, it would not be much fun to trace all the x’s.
Loving all these peacocks. Thanks for sharing.
You could always stitch the project to your ground fabric using waste canvas. Then you wouldn’t have to trace all those x’s.
I am going to try and do this in assisi using black aida and gold thread if it comes out like I hope I will send a picture through
How big did this pattern print out. Could I use timeless treasure to print it on? I love this.. I have this obsession with peacocks….