It took a long time to come up with a plan for this quilt. Originally I was going to use the print fabric as an alternate block, but when I layed out the fabrics, I didn’t like it at all. Next I decided to put the embroidered blocks in a straight set with striped sashing, and use the print fabric for the back — that seemed like a good idea, but I couldn’t decide what to do in the cornerstones. Since I didn’t want to introduce a new fabric, I decided to make little blocks with quarter-square triangles.
I’m thinking there will be 12 embroidered blocks with sashing — then a border all around the outside with embroidered elephants holding each other’s tails. The blocks are now 7″ with a 1 1/2″ sashing and the elephant border will be 6″ — everything had to be reduced a bit to fit the print for the back. It’s just going to be a little circus quilt. Thanks Chelsea Ann!
Wow! Do you ever take a break? You just finished the ABC quilt! This is REALLY cute, by the way. Love the colors!
The cornerstones really pop! Such a small thing with such a big impact! Can’t wait to see more!
Adorable! I love your idea for the cornerstones.
Oh how cute are these?? Very sweet colour scheme and I love the sashing fabric. Great idea with the cornerstones, it makes a nice little “pop” there. Your colouring book pictures are just too adorable! 🙂
L*O*V*E this! The sashing is perfect and the cornerstones are exactly right for this! Incredible!!
FANCIFUL FUN!!! You have begun another SWEET quilt! The blocks are SO cutet and the stripe is perfect for the big top theme. I also really like what you have done with the cornerstones – they will lead your eye around the quilt.
I can’t wait to see the rest of this one. I’ve never heard of cornerstones before and I love how they look.
Adorable! Love the corner squares-very clever!
Your Alphabet quilt is great too!