These Japanese books are available at the Kinokuniya Book Store (which is located in the Seattle Uwajimaya) for around $16. You can also buy them on ebay, but those sellers charge over $25. Although the directions are all written in Japanese, the diagrams are extremely detailed and easy to figure out. If you want to try this, I would recommend either 100% wool felt or a wool blend. It’s more expensive, but the cheap acrylic felt squares sold in many craft stores are too thin and will not hold their shape. I am making these for my daughter, Emily, and her boyfriend, Aaron, for their first little Christmas tree. I used 100% wool felt, embroidery floss and a few beads and buttons. They are really fun to make and you can complete one in an hour or two, depending on the size and number of pieces.
Well, I need to comment on the felt mascots. They are so adorable, that I might just have to make some of my own. This is a great website, Martha. My favorite are the mascots, because of the way you took the pictures against different (and appropriate!)backgrounds.
Thanks for fixing that little problem. I was so distracted that I almost forgot to look at the other cute stuff.