To celebrate Flag Day, I just finished the second doll quilt in my series “Quilts Styles I Will Never Get Around to Making as Bed Quilts, so I’m Just Going to Make Them as Doll Quilts.” The first quilt is this series was a Lemoyne Star Medallion based on an antique doll quilt. This latest one is 21″ square, and each small square is 7/8″. My inspiration for this little quilt came from two of my favorite quilters, Lori at Humble Quilts and Karen at Log Cabin Quilter, who both enjoy making folk art and holiday themed quilts, although they are experts at appliqué, while I am more of a piecer.
It’s funny to me that I avoid most technology when it comes to quilting, since I worked for 16 years as a Technology Assistant at my children’s former elementary school. I do spend a lot of time on my various devices — just not for designing quilts. My process is low tech (just like my method of making a quilt), and for this design involved only graph paper and some colored pencils, although I often use a compass and protractor as well. I’ve never been good at math, but I’ve learned how to draft a pattern, and I’m not sure why, but sketching design ideas seems to help in the creative process.
To give you an idea of what I’m talking about, below is my final drawing for the above quilt, after several failed attempts. I notice the diagonal design in the center is more obvious on my drawing than it is on the actual top, because I used all those scrappy fabrics (especially the shirtings). The quilt is mostly made using antique blocks and tops from my collection, but the indigo border is a repro, as are a few of the shirtings in the 4-patches.
I love your little quilt! I am good at math and computers, but I also still use graph paper to plan quilts, and to draft my own blocks.
I really love your little quilt, Martha. I, too, use graph paper and pencils to draft my patterns especially if I want to make my own design. Simple, but works everytime.
You really amaze me with your quilts. The pieces are so tiny, I don’t see how you can hold them to sew. But they look so pretty when you finish. You do such wonderful work.
Enjoy your weekend.
I like your doll quilt; and enjoyed seeing the process of your design. 🙂
I’m with you on the low-tech quilt designing. I was a computer programmer (retired a couple of weeks ago). But, I’m graphics challenged on the computer – I just don’t speak that language. So, when I want to play with a design, I pull out the graph paper (or print it off from one of the free graph paper sites) and pencils.
I love you Patriotic 4 Patch quilt and your series idea! I will never have the time to make all the quilts I would like to. I also draw things out on paper. I know that there is software programs out there for designing quilts, but then I would have to learn how to use them! lol
What a pretty little quilt! And a great idea for a series. Love seeing a little bit of your process, obviously it works, your quilts always turn out beautiful. 🙂
What a sweet quilt! The fabrics are really vibrant and I like the mix of whites and creams. I love that you now have a series of quilts that you have downsized to doll quilts. 🙂
enjoyed this post, love the little quilt and yes give me graph paper and a pencil and I love drafting ideas on it….
decided I am going to do a series of little quilts for the next few months, same reason basically I just want to play with a few ideas and NO they do not need to be bed quilts
Be still my heart! I’m a sucker for anything red, white, and blue and this is wonderful!
I am now ready to bite the bullet and join your club. I’m too old and impatient to make large bed quilts. Maybe an occasional baby quilt, but I’m moving on to doll quilts so that (1) I can make all those patterns I’ve longed for and (2) all those naked dolls of my granddaughters can have something to cover them up. LOVE your work.
I enjoy hearing about your process. I use the computer more these days to draft patterns but sometimes I still wing it without anything. I love this quilt and how you arranged the fabric. The indigo border is perfect with the stars! Have a wonderful weekend! Hugs, Mickie
Now why didn’t I think about making a flag piece of some kind on Flag Day! Your red, white, and blue small quilt was the perfect thing to make.
Sweet little red/white/blue quilt.
I feel the same way about making small quilts.
Would have to live many, many life times to complete all that I comes up with.
What a wonderful little quilt! It just about sings ‘America’. I too have started making little quilts recently. I have enough bed sized quilts to last a couple lifetimes!
Your doll quilt is adorable, Martha! Blues and reds are glowing and shirting prints are so cute together!
Your Patriotic Doll quilt is lovely! And I love what you called it… “Quilt styles I will never get around making….” I”m going to have to remember that! 🙂
I like the name of your quilt series almost as much as I like this quilt. A real beauty!