This is going to be a big quilt. I am barely able to hang it in my usual place on the hot tub house and this row is not even finished. The quilt is going to go on the bed with the giant mattress and box springs, so it’ll work out fine.
To me, the top and bottom edges of the original Nebraska quilt are awkward (although I like the sides), and I plan to change them by completing a little more of the edge star blocks. Also, I think the quilt’s white path will look much nicer once another row is added and you can see the white around the stars.
Looking great! Just love all your old prints! I love vintage too!
I can’t even imagine the work going into this – it’s so beautiful, Martha!
It’s lovely and coming along wonderfully!!
This is going to be gorgeous! I love the big stars and little flowers combined — they will make it so arresting to look at. I love the color combinations you’re using.
It’s fun seeing your beautiful quilt grow! 🙂
You’re making amazing progress. And I see what you mean about the edges of the original quilt – your idea sounds much better.
The colors are shining through with the white around them. It is getting prettier and prettier with each flower and star!
This is amazing! Love this design and it’s so pretty. The white blocks really make the colored ones pop. 🙂
Did you finish this quilt? I’d love to see the finished product. I’m thinking about making something similar.
I would love to see a picture of this finished quilt. The pieces you have done are so beautiful.
Absolutely love the stars. A lady brought some blocks to us , The Heritage Quilters, at the Sharlotte Hall Museum , in Prescott Arizona, where we quilt. She asked if we could do anything with them. Her grandmother made them and she passed away in 1929. You can imagine our delight. Seeing the stars triggered all kinds of delightful possibilities. Thank you for sharing your lovely work.