This is the only Amish style quilt I’ve ever made — a Christmas present for my mother-in-law, Gail, in 2002. It was a departure from the 1930s style quilts I was making at the time, but I was interested in trying the contrasting stitching in the quilting. I do think it turned out rather well, although I am not sure a real Amish quilter would have used two different colors of thread. It’s the smallest doll quilt I’ve ever made, at 15″ square, and it was made with vintage percales and plain muslin for the back.
Sunshine & Shadow Doll Quilt
Martha Dellasega Gray, 2002
machine pieced, hand quilted
15″ x 15″
That is very pretty! I especially like the designs in the corners! I love the Amish style quilts. The color patterns are so rich!
LOOK at your STITCHING!!!!!! That’s it, I’ll never show mine again, lol. Martha this is just darling, and I am so impressed with your tiny stitches!
Wonderful workmanship! FYI, The New England Quilt Museum just closed it’s show of Amish quilts that included 30+ miniature quilts.
oh I love this little beauty!
I am becoming inspired by solids lately…I feel an amish quilt is in my future!
How sweet! And I love the two colors of quilting thread. I hope your MIL was thrilled with it.
That is such a great gift. The colors and hand quilting are very nice.
You made a very good Amish style quilt. I have had intentions of making an Amish style quilt for years but have never even made a little one.
The colors in your little quilt are so beautiful, Martha and the contrast in your quilting shows off your tiny gorgeous sitches so well. Love it!
Exactly how big are those little patches? I count 13 of them across, and if the whole piece is only 15×15, they have to be smaller than an inch!
Oh my stars, Martha!
Absolutely gorgeous Martha! Your fabric choices and stitches are beautiful. You have a lucky Mother in Law! 🙂
It is so lovely. Your quilting stitches are wonderful. I am loving all the ‘eye candy’ of the last week or so!
what a lovely little quilt! beautiful stitching!
I love your quilts!! Thanks so much for posting them on the online doll quilt show.
Oh my gosh, what size are the little squares if the entire quilt is only 15″?!!! That’s incredible and beautiful!